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​​​​​Kentucky Water Utilities Advisory Committee

The Kentucky Water Utilities Advisory Committee (KWUAC) is a collaborative stakeholder group comprised primarily of representatives of public and rural water utility systems that provide drinking water and/or clean water treatment services to Kentucky’s citizens. Its purpose is to address issues affecting the public water systems industry. The committee also includes other state agencies, professional industry member organizations, and academia to provide additional input.

KWUAC was formed over a decade ago as two separate groups - the Drinking Water Advisory Council and the Wastewater Advisory Council - which were formed to address issues affecting consumers and the regulated community. The groups later merged into a single committee that has since undergone several name changes throughout the years. In 2024, the name of the group was changed to Kentucky Water Utilities Advisory Committee.

The KWUAC Core Committee is made up of drinking water and clean water utilities, other state agencies, professional industry member organizations, and academics intended to represent all regions of the commonwealth, all sizes of public systems, and a variety of perspectives within the public water utilities and regulatory sectors.

In order to study, discuss, and address specific topics affecting public water systems and to better organize and utilize expertise within the community, KWUAC has several subcommittees and workgroups tasked with addressing those topics, including Asset Management, Cybersecurity, Nutrient Reduction, PFAS, and Small Systems, etc. For more information about KWUAC and its subcommittees, please contact Administrative Specialist Senior John Carlton​.

​​Advisory Committee Meeting Documents 
Sign In [229 KB]
Handout [5 MB]
Draft Meeting Minutes [380 KB]
Meeting Agenda [451 KB]
Draft Meeting Minutes [451 KB]
Sign In [152 KB]

DecDraft Meeting Minutes [63 KB]
Final Meeting Minutes [53 KB]
Drinking Water Advisory Workgroup Documents
Draft Meeting Agenda 
Hand Out 401 KAR 8 XXX 
​Handout-Committee List 
Sign In 
Tentative Agenda  
Wastewater Advisory Workgroup Documents​​​​​​
Draft Meeting Agenda 
Draft Meeting Minutes 
Sign In  ​​

​​Drinking Water Advisory Workgroup Documents​
Draft Meeting Minutes [64 KB]​
Handout-Members List [15 KB]
​Sign In [100 KB]
​Tentative Agenda [9 KB]

​Wastewater Advisory Workgroup Documents​​
Draft Meeting Minutes [78 KB]
​Handout [411 KB]
​Handout-DCA Certification and Licensing Branch [185 KB]
​Handout-Draft Nutrient Reasonable Potential Analysis Worksheet [101 KB]
Handout-Members List [26 KB]
​Sign In [114 KB]
Tentative Meeting Agenda [9 KB]
​​​Drinking Water Advisory Workgroup Documents
Draft Meeting Minutes [26 KB]
​Final Meeting Minutes [86 KB]​
​Handout- CCR Checklist [144 KB]​
​Handout-EPA proposed 304(a) criterion for selenium [124 KB]​
Handout-Members List [89 KB]​
​PP-DCA Certification and Licensing Branch FY15 Operator [202 KB]​
Sign In [164 KB]​​

​Wastewater Advisory Workgroup Documents​​
Draft Meeting Minutes [43 KB]
Sign In [122 KB]
​​​​Drinking Water Advisory Workgroup Documents
Draft Meeting Minutes [91 KB]​
Final Meeting Minutes  [162 KB]
Handout-Committee Members [74 KB]​
​Meeting Agenda [10KB]​
​Sign In [115 KB]​
​Tentative Meeting Agenda [9 KB]​

​Wastewater Advisory Workgroup Documents​​​
9-13-2016 All Meeting Documents [162 KB]
​Draft Meeting Minutes [167 KB]
​Draft Minutes [79 KB]
Final Meeting Minutes [160 KB]
Handout-Members List [23 KB]
​Meeting Agenda [10 KB]
​Sign In [149 KB]
Meeting Minutes FINAL [153 KB]
Drinking Water Advisory Workgroup Documents
​Draft Meeting Agenda [17 KB]​
​Draft Minutes [139 KB]​
Final Meeting Minutes [168 KB]​
Sign In [124 KB]​​​

Wastewater Advisory Workgroup Documents​​​​
12-13-2016 All Meeting Documents​ [412 KB]
Draft Meeting Agenda [12 KB]
​Final Meeting Minutes [113 KB]
​Handout-Members List [36 KB]
​Sign In [96 KB]
Meeting Minutes FINAL [169 KB]​

Drinking Water Advisory Workgroup Documents
Tentative Meeting Agenda [9 KB]​​​

Wastewater Advisory Workgroup Documents​​​​​
Draft Meeting Minutes [65 KB]​

Lead in Drinking Water Workgroup Documents

LDW Workgroup ​Agenda - 8November2021.pdf
LDW Workgroup Minutes 11-08-2021.pdf

LDW Working Group Agenda - 7June2021.pdf
LDW Workgroup Minutes 06-07-2021.pdf

LDW Workgroup Minutes 05-24-2021.pdf
LDW Workgroup Minutes 05-03-2021.pdf
LDW Workgroup Agenda Final - 3May2021.pdf
LDW Workgroup Agenda - 24May2021.pdf

LIDW Minutes Final Draft 1-9-2020.docx
LIDW Minutes 01-21-2020 DRAFT.docx
KLW Agenda 1-9-20.pdf
KLW Agenda 1-21-20.pdf

KY Lead Workgroup Recommendations 2-10-20 Final Draft.pdf
LIDW Minutes 12-03-19 Final.pdf
KLW Agenda 12-3-19.pdf
KLW Agenda 12-19-19.pdf

LIDW Minutes 11-14-19 Final.pdf

LIDW Minutes 2-21-18 Final
KLW Agenda 2-21-18.pdf

Ky Lead Workgroup Recommendations 3-13-18 Final Approved by KDWAC.pdf
03 15 17 All Meeting Documents 
Final Meeting Minutes 
​Hand Out-EDF 
​Hand Out-Water Online
PP-Comunication and Public Education 
​Sign In      ​

08 16 17 All Meeting Documents 
​KLW Agenda 
​Draft Meeting Minutes
Final KLWG Recommendations Draft 
​KY Lead Workgroup Report - Public Health 4-7-17 Burt 
Draft Lead Workgroup Recommendations Presentation 

EPA Update 11-16-17 from Alan Roberson SDWA

​​KLW Final Agenda 12-06-17.pdf
LIDW Minutes 12-6-17 Final.pdf

​Draft Minutes
Kick Off Meeting Agenda 

04 20 16 All Meeting Documents 
Meeting Notice via Email 
​Draft Agenda 
Draft Ground Rules
Draft Members Update 
Final Meeting Minutes 
​Hand Out-KYDEP Press Release 
​Hand Out-Letter to Greg Heitzman 
Hand Out-Letter to Joel Beauvais 
​PP- KY Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program  
PP-FWICC Policy Subcommittee-Lead and Copper Rule Recommendations
​Sign In

05 18 16 All Meeting Documents 
​Draft Agenda 
​Draft Meeting Minutes  
​Final Meeting Minutes 
Ground and Meeting Rules
Members List
​PP-2016 Flint Water Crisis 
​PP-KY LRC Compliance History 
​PP-Lead Corrosion and Control 
​Sign In 
16-16-OMD-102 Open Meeting Act 
​Draft Ground Rules 
06 15 16 All Meeting Documents 
Draft Minutes 
​Final Meeting Minutes 
06 8 16-Members Update 
06 15 16-Members Update 
Sign In 
Special Meeting Notice 

08 17 16 All Meeting Documents
Draft Minutes
​Final Meeting Minutes 
​PP-KY Lead Working Group
​Sign In 

Members Update 

10 26 16 All Meeting Documents 
​Draft Minutes 
Final Meeting Minutes  
​Hand Out-EPA-LCR 
Hand Out-Kentucky Lead Report 
Members Email List 
PP-Training Sub Group 
​Sign In ​

12 21 16 All Meeting Documents 
Draft Minutes 
​Final Meeting Minutes 
​Hand Out-ASDWA WIIN Act Summary 
​Members Update 
Finance Subgroup Presentation 
​Sign In ​

PFAS in Drinking Water Subcommittee Documents​​

Current Notices

2025 KWUAC​
Meeting Schedule:

  • Friday, March 7 at 10:00
  • Friday, June 13 at 10:00
  • Friday, September 12 at 10:00
  • Friday, December 5 at 10:00​

Hybrid Meeting
300 Sower Blvd, Frankfort KY

​For more information contact:
John Carlton

Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort, KY 40601    

Phone Directory
Contact Us
Civil Rights/Derecho Civiles

The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, disability or sex. This policy protects the rights of Cabinet employees, service applicants and customers. Vendors, agencies and organizations providing services to the Cabinet or its recipients of federally-aided programs also must comply with this policy.