Kentucky Water Utilities Advisory Committee
The Kentucky Water Utilities Advisory Committee (KWUAC) is a collaborative stakeholder group comprised primarily of representatives of public and rural water utility systems that provide drinking water and/or clean water treatment services to Kentucky’s citizens. Its purpose is to address issues affecting the public water systems industry. The committee also includes other state agencies, professional industry member organizations, and academia to provide additional input.
KWUAC was formed over a decade ago as two separate groups - the Drinking Water Advisory Council and the Wastewater Advisory Council - which were formed to address issues affecting consumers and the regulated community. The groups later merged into a single committee that has since undergone several name changes throughout the years. In 2024, the name of the group was changed to Kentucky Water Utilities Advisory Committee.
The KWUAC Core Committee is made up of drinking water and clean water utilities, other state agencies, professional industry member organizations, and academics intended to represent all regions of the commonwealth, all sizes of public systems, and a variety of perspectives within the public water utilities and regulatory sectors.
In order to study, discuss, and address specific topics affecting public water systems and to better organize and utilize expertise within the community, KWUAC has several subcommittees and workgroups tasked with addressing those topics, including Asset Management, Cybersecurity, Nutrient Reduction, PFAS, and Small Systems, etc. For more information about KWUAC and its subcommittees, please contact Administrative Specialist Senior John Carlton.